Deads against purple bands Saturday
135 # 3 sets of 8
225 X 5
315 X 2
405 X 1
Put boss suit on
455 X 1
495 X 1
545 X 1
585 X 1.75 (the first rep came up a bit faster than I thought and lost my balance). I slowed the second rep down enough to not fall back and make it harder than it needed to be.
495 X 2 Went pretty well.
Glute Ham Raise: BW X 8, purple band X 4 BW X 4, Purple band X 5, BW X 5
reverse hyper with Blue band and 400 # as resistance: 3 sets of 15
Pretty sue I did some abs as they are sore today, but what they were escapes me.
Monday Bench was an active deload out of the shirt. All sets were done off 1 foam board
315 X 5
365 X 5
405 X 5
455 X 5 maddog slingshot
495 X 5 maddog
545 X 3 maddog. I was hoping for 5, but not to be tonight.
Close grip 4 board press:
405 X 5, 495 X 2 sets of 5
Double kettlebell Clean and press: 20,24,28 all for 1 set of 8
Lying Plate Triceps ext: 45 X 20, 70 X 20, 100 X 20, 100 X 15
Long ab strap crunch: 3 sets of 15
Looking forward to squatting some weight Wednesday...
Monday, April 30, 2012
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Active Deload
Active Deload Squats:
Squats with the straight bar (unfortunately) in loose old ace briefs:
bar weight was 505 and added a few chains per side per set.
2 chains a side X 2
4 Chains a side X 2
6 chains a side X 2 sets of 2
Reverse Hypers: 2 sets of 15 with 500 #
Lying leg raise with chains on shins: 4 chains X 3 sets of 8
Standing average band crunch: 3 sets of 15
Nice easy night. Should be rested up for Saturday Bands pulls
Squats with the straight bar (unfortunately) in loose old ace briefs:
bar weight was 505 and added a few chains per side per set.
2 chains a side X 2
4 Chains a side X 2
6 chains a side X 2 sets of 2
Reverse Hypers: 2 sets of 15 with 500 #
Lying leg raise with chains on shins: 4 chains X 3 sets of 8
Standing average band crunch: 3 sets of 15
Nice easy night. Should be rested up for Saturday Bands pulls
Monday, April 23, 2012
Benchen Monday
135 X 3 sets of 10
225 X 2 sets of 6
315 X 3 off 2 foamies
405 X 1 off 2 foamies
495 X 1 off 1 foamie with maddog slingshot
Put 56 Phenom on
635 X 2 off 3 board
725 X 2 off 2 board
765 X 1.75 off 2 board. The first rep went well, but got out of position on the second (got a bit handcuffed and my elbows flared to try and catch it taking the weight over my face about 3-4 inches from lockout.
765 X Dump on a 1 board. I tried to drop it in a bit to low and gracefully placed it on the board and the guys took it.
725 X 2 1.5 airboards
745 X 1 off a 1 board
Close Grip Bench with slingshot off 1 softie
315 X 5
365 X 5
405 X 5
495 X 3 with maddog slingshot
Not a bad night considering I weighed in this morning at 329 lbs (about the heaviest I have been), and was still able to get 745 to touch a one board which I have never done before. I am learning more about my shirt and getting my set up better. Feeling better by the week, so hope it will continue through the week.
135 X 3 sets of 10
225 X 2 sets of 6
315 X 3 off 2 foamies
405 X 1 off 2 foamies
495 X 1 off 1 foamie with maddog slingshot
Put 56 Phenom on
635 X 2 off 3 board
725 X 2 off 2 board
765 X 1.75 off 2 board. The first rep went well, but got out of position on the second (got a bit handcuffed and my elbows flared to try and catch it taking the weight over my face about 3-4 inches from lockout.
765 X Dump on a 1 board. I tried to drop it in a bit to low and gracefully placed it on the board and the guys took it.
725 X 2 1.5 airboards
745 X 1 off a 1 board
Close Grip Bench with slingshot off 1 softie
315 X 5
365 X 5
405 X 5
495 X 3 with maddog slingshot
Not a bad night considering I weighed in this morning at 329 lbs (about the heaviest I have been), and was still able to get 745 to touch a one board which I have never done before. I am learning more about my shirt and getting my set up better. Feeling better by the week, so hope it will continue through the week.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Speed Squats and deads
Speed Squats off a box with Buffalo Bar:
325 X 2 sets of2
375 X 2 sets of 2
375 and blue band X 3-4 sets of 2. I have not done speed squats in a long time, but I must say they felt pretty good today even without briefs.
Speed Deads Sumo: Same Band set up as last week with a light band stretched over the bar.
315 X 3
I wore my boss suit to see if I could learn it a little more and save my hips a bit.
315 X 2
365 X 4 sets of 2
405 X 2 sets of 2 It took me at least 3-4 sets to finally get my suit worked up where I wanted it and could get to the bar in a decent position. The moral of that story is don't forget to wear under armor shorts if you are fat and wearing gear that day.
Banded good mornings with blue band choked off: 3 sets of 15
Spud, Inc. long ab strap crunch: 4 sets of 15
325 X 2 sets of2
375 X 2 sets of 2
375 and blue band X 3-4 sets of 2. I have not done speed squats in a long time, but I must say they felt pretty good today even without briefs.
Speed Deads Sumo: Same Band set up as last week with a light band stretched over the bar.
315 X 3
I wore my boss suit to see if I could learn it a little more and save my hips a bit.
315 X 2
365 X 4 sets of 2
405 X 2 sets of 2 It took me at least 3-4 sets to finally get my suit worked up where I wanted it and could get to the bar in a decent position. The moral of that story is don't forget to wear under armor shorts if you are fat and wearing gear that day.
Banded good mornings with blue band choked off: 3 sets of 15
Spud, Inc. long ab strap crunch: 4 sets of 15
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Squat opener day
Squats with straight bar:
145 X 2 sets of 10
235 X 2 sets of 5
325 X 2
455 X 1
Put Boss Briefs on
635 X 1
725 X 1
Put New Boss Suit on with the straps loose
825 X 1 (it was just a bit lower than a quarter squat, but man was it fast....haha)
955 X 1 This is or is close to my planned opener. I cut it a bit high, but felt comfortable with the weight. Now just need a bit more depth. 3 more w"real" workouts to get one to depth so I should get 'er down.
955 X 2 with average reverse band. This set was a bit deeper than the last, and actually got an up call on my second rep.
Reverse Hyper: 3 sets of 15 with 400 #
Standing Spud,inc long ab strap crunch: 4 sets of 12
Tonight was the first night in the new boss suit and brief combo and it went pretty well. It is easier for me to spread and stay in good position in the bottom, so we shall see how it goes next time around.
145 X 2 sets of 10
235 X 2 sets of 5
325 X 2
455 X 1
Put Boss Briefs on
635 X 1
725 X 1
Put New Boss Suit on with the straps loose
825 X 1 (it was just a bit lower than a quarter squat, but man was it fast....haha)
955 X 1 This is or is close to my planned opener. I cut it a bit high, but felt comfortable with the weight. Now just need a bit more depth. 3 more w"real" workouts to get one to depth so I should get 'er down.
955 X 2 with average reverse band. This set was a bit deeper than the last, and actually got an up call on my second rep.
Reverse Hyper: 3 sets of 15 with 400 #
Standing Spud,inc long ab strap crunch: 4 sets of 12
Tonight was the first night in the new boss suit and brief combo and it went pretty well. It is easier for me to spread and stay in good position in the bottom, so we shall see how it goes next time around.
Monday Bench Active Deload
Monday I wanted to try something a bit new. I wanted to give my body a little break from heavy benching, but wanted to kinda train through it too. I figured i would us my looser shit and get some work in, but keep the weights lighter so it wouldn't kill me.
135 X 3 sets of 10
225 X 2 sets of 6
315 X 1
405 X 2 off 2 soft boards
495 X 2 with maddog slingshot off 2 soft boards. First time using the maddog and I really liked it.
put Size 58 Phenom on
635 X 2 sets of 3 off 3 board
635 X 2 off 1 board
655 X 2 off 1 board. I focused on bringing the bar down with more speed on these last two sets and they felt good. Now I just need to do that with the heavy weight...
floor Press:
225 X 8
315 X 3 sets of 5
Kettlebell Double Snatch: 24, 28, 32, 32, 32 kg all for sets of 8 reps
Squat openers tonight...
135 X 3 sets of 10
225 X 2 sets of 6
315 X 1
405 X 2 off 2 soft boards
495 X 2 with maddog slingshot off 2 soft boards. First time using the maddog and I really liked it.
put Size 58 Phenom on
635 X 2 sets of 3 off 3 board
635 X 2 off 1 board
655 X 2 off 1 board. I focused on bringing the bar down with more speed on these last two sets and they felt good. Now I just need to do that with the heavy weight...
floor Press:
225 X 8
315 X 3 sets of 5
Kettlebell Double Snatch: 24, 28, 32, 32, 32 kg all for sets of 8 reps
Squat openers tonight...
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Wednesday and Saturday
Wednesday Started our suit work for squats
145 X 2 sets of 8
235 X 2 sets of 5
325 X 1 set of 3
Put my Boss Briefs of (took about 10-15 min to get my fat tail in them)
505 X 1
645 X 1
735 X 1
Boss Suit bottoms on
825 X 3 sets of 1. Nothing too hard today for squats. 825 will be around my last warm up at the meet. This week was more of an active deload week and a bit of suit feeling out for me to see if the boss on boss combo would work for me.
Rack Pulls an inch or so below the knee sumo:
315 X 2
495 X 2
675 X 2
725 X 2 misses. My grip held fine, but mid back crumbled and missed mid way up on both reps(sucked big.....well you know).
675 X 2
Hanging leg raise: 4 sets of 10
Saturday Speed(ish) deads: Used a different set up for bands today. Choked off some light bands on our squat rack and anchored them on some big fat farmer handles. This let us get our feet wider than the jump stretch board we normally use.
225 X 2 sets of 3
315 X 2 sets of 3
365 X 4 or 5? sets of 3
Romanian Deads: I have not done these in a while and have missed them...well, missed the back and hamstring beating they provide me.
315 X 5
405 X 5
455 X 5 Put straps on for these last two sets.
495 X 5
Pull Through with average band: 4 sets of 10-12 reps.
Not a great workout as most of my deads felt far from speedy, but feel petty smashed today so I guess I got some decent work in.
More work to be done...
145 X 2 sets of 8
235 X 2 sets of 5
325 X 1 set of 3
Put my Boss Briefs of (took about 10-15 min to get my fat tail in them)
505 X 1
645 X 1
735 X 1
Boss Suit bottoms on
825 X 3 sets of 1. Nothing too hard today for squats. 825 will be around my last warm up at the meet. This week was more of an active deload week and a bit of suit feeling out for me to see if the boss on boss combo would work for me.
Rack Pulls an inch or so below the knee sumo:
315 X 2
495 X 2
675 X 2
725 X 2 misses. My grip held fine, but mid back crumbled and missed mid way up on both reps(sucked big.....well you know).
675 X 2
Hanging leg raise: 4 sets of 10
Saturday Speed(ish) deads: Used a different set up for bands today. Choked off some light bands on our squat rack and anchored them on some big fat farmer handles. This let us get our feet wider than the jump stretch board we normally use.
225 X 2 sets of 3
315 X 2 sets of 3
365 X 4 or 5? sets of 3
Romanian Deads: I have not done these in a while and have missed them...well, missed the back and hamstring beating they provide me.
315 X 5
405 X 5
455 X 5 Put straps on for these last two sets.
495 X 5
Pull Through with average band: 4 sets of 10-12 reps.
Not a great workout as most of my deads felt far from speedy, but feel petty smashed today so I guess I got some decent work in.
More work to be done...
Monday, April 9, 2012
Suck Monday
135 X 3 sets of 8
225 X 2 sets of 8
315 X 2 sets of 3 off 2 foamies
415 X 1 off 2 foamie
495 X 1 off 2 board with XL Slingshot
Put 56 Phenom Shirt on
635 X 2 off 3 board
725 X 2 off 3 board
725 X 2 off 2 board
735 X 2 off 2 board
725 X nope off 1 board. Got down to the board decent, but had no drive once I got there...
Nothing felt right all night. Everything felt heavy and my bar path and set upwere off. It happens. Better next time is the plan!
One arm Kettlebell snatch press:
20, 24, 28, 32, 40 Kg all for 1 set of 6 reps each arm. Somehow everyone turned this into a max effort triceps extension instead of an actual shoulder press. Hey, I am not hear to judge, but I AM going to make fun of you for trying to cheat on an overhead press...
I had planned on doing one last Triceps movement, but didn't happen. Had to tend to some customers, and that was that for the workout.
135 X 3 sets of 8
225 X 2 sets of 8
315 X 2 sets of 3 off 2 foamies
415 X 1 off 2 foamie
495 X 1 off 2 board with XL Slingshot
Put 56 Phenom Shirt on
635 X 2 off 3 board
725 X 2 off 3 board
725 X 2 off 2 board
735 X 2 off 2 board
725 X nope off 1 board. Got down to the board decent, but had no drive once I got there...
Nothing felt right all night. Everything felt heavy and my bar path and set upwere off. It happens. Better next time is the plan!
One arm Kettlebell snatch press:
20, 24, 28, 32, 40 Kg all for 1 set of 6 reps each arm. Somehow everyone turned this into a max effort triceps extension instead of an actual shoulder press. Hey, I am not hear to judge, but I AM going to make fun of you for trying to cheat on an overhead press...
I had planned on doing one last Triceps movement, but didn't happen. Had to tend to some customers, and that was that for the workout.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Saturday Speed deads
Reverse hypers: 1 set of 15 to warm up
Long ab strap pulldowns: 4 sets of 10
Speed Deads off 3" of mats:
315 X 2 sets of 2
365 X 3
415 X 4 sets of 3
415 X 2 sets of 3 off 2" of mats
Stiff leg deads off of 4" mats/plates standing on band looped over my head
315 X 5
315 and light band X 5
315 and avg band X 5
315 and strong band X 5
Double Kettlebell snatch: 24, 28, 32, 32 Kg all for 1 set of 8 each.
Glute Hams: body weight X 10, 25lb plate X 5 then 4 reps body weight.
Done till Shirt bench Extravaganza Monday!
Long ab strap pulldowns: 4 sets of 10
Speed Deads off 3" of mats:
315 X 2 sets of 2
365 X 3
415 X 4 sets of 3
415 X 2 sets of 3 off 2" of mats
Stiff leg deads off of 4" mats/plates standing on band looped over my head
315 X 5
315 and light band X 5
315 and avg band X 5
315 and strong band X 5
Double Kettlebell snatch: 24, 28, 32, 32 Kg all for 1 set of 8 each.
Glute Hams: body weight X 10, 25lb plate X 5 then 4 reps body weight.
Done till Shirt bench Extravaganza Monday!
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Band Squats week 2 of Sr Nats cycle
Band squats with buffalo bar off a box (2 blues per side)
325 X 1
415 X 1
505 X 1
595 X 2
Added a reverse grey band. Never have tried band squats with a reverse band. It Makes the pick up much heavier since it doesn't take much off at the top, but gives enough help in the bottom.
685 X 1 off a high box...
775 X smashville. I got out of position in the bottom, plus it was heavy as hell.
Reverse hypers: 3 sets of 15
325 X 1
415 X 1
505 X 1
595 X 2
Added a reverse grey band. Never have tried band squats with a reverse band. It Makes the pick up much heavier since it doesn't take much off at the top, but gives enough help in the bottom.
685 X 1 off a high box...
775 X smashville. I got out of position in the bottom, plus it was heavy as hell.
Reverse hypers: 3 sets of 15
Monday, April 2, 2012
Deads and Bench'en
Saturday was Speed deadlift day from a deficit. We stood on 3 inches of Mats and did Sumo Deads:
365 X 2 sets of 3
405 X 3 sets of 3
455 X 1 set of 3
Glute Ham Raise:
Bodyweight X 8
25 lb plate X 5 then 3 more
25 lb plate X 4 and 4 more
25 lb plate X 4 and 4 more Hamstrings got a bit sore from these.
Standing blue band crunch: 2 sets of 15
Double Kettlebell snatxh: 20, 24, 28, 32 Kg all X 1 set of 8 reps
Reverse Hyper:
400 # X 2 set of 10
600 # and blue band as added resistance: 2 sets of 15.
Monday Bench Day:
55 X 2 sets of 15
105 X 1 set of 10
145 X 3 sets of 8
245 X 2 sets of 5
325 X 2 sets of 2 off 2 board
415 X 3 off 2 board
505 X 1 off 2 board with slingshot
Put 56 Phenom Shirt on from here on out.
645 X 2 off 3 board
685 X 2 off 2 board (Video posted on out Spud Inc You Tube page or my facebook page)
Close grip blue band lockouts with the cambered bar in the Mono.
105 X 5
155 X 5
195 X 5 Triceps started a revolt against me right about now....
235 X5
285 X 2
225 X 4
Done and time to go home! Prep'en for Wednesday's Band squats again.
365 X 2 sets of 3
405 X 3 sets of 3
455 X 1 set of 3
Glute Ham Raise:
Bodyweight X 8
25 lb plate X 5 then 3 more
25 lb plate X 4 and 4 more
25 lb plate X 4 and 4 more Hamstrings got a bit sore from these.
Standing blue band crunch: 2 sets of 15
Double Kettlebell snatxh: 20, 24, 28, 32 Kg all X 1 set of 8 reps
Reverse Hyper:
400 # X 2 set of 10
600 # and blue band as added resistance: 2 sets of 15.
Monday Bench Day:
55 X 2 sets of 15
105 X 1 set of 10
145 X 3 sets of 8
245 X 2 sets of 5
325 X 2 sets of 2 off 2 board
415 X 3 off 2 board
505 X 1 off 2 board with slingshot
Put 56 Phenom Shirt on from here on out.
645 X 2 off 3 board
685 X 2 off 2 board (Video posted on out Spud Inc You Tube page or my facebook page)
Close grip blue band lockouts with the cambered bar in the Mono.
105 X 5
155 X 5
195 X 5 Triceps started a revolt against me right about now....
235 X5
285 X 2
225 X 4
Done and time to go home! Prep'en for Wednesday's Band squats again.
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