Thursday, March 28, 2013

Upper Accessory work

I got a later start to training than I had hoped, so not as much got done as I had planned, but it wasn't a total loss.
DB Incline Press Warm Up: 45 lbs X 15, 60lbs X 15, 80lbs X 15
Overhead Log Press:
100 lbs X 2 sets of 8
144 lbs X 5 sets of 10
DB Row: 3 sets of 10 with 125 lb DBs.
EZ Bar Skull Crushers with a monster Mini running under the bench:
65 lbs X 10
115 lbs X 3 sets of 10 and 2 sets of 15
Rear Delt DB Raise: 3 sets of 10 with 25 lb DBs.
Hammer Incline Press to finish:
2 plates X 10
3 plates X 2 sets of 6-8
2 plates X 3 sets of 12-15.

Nothing really fun, but got a little work done.

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