Monday, January 30, 2012

Squaterday's workout

Light-er squats were on the menu today:  Briefs and no box.
415 X 8
505 X 6
595 X 5
685 X 4
775 X 3  Little wobbly on this set.  Had my feet a bit wide.
775 X 3  Deeper, and slower, but better.
Conv speed deads:
405 X 6-7 sets of 3
Sumo Deads:
315 X 3
405 X 4-5 sets of 3 (Not trying to be super fast on these, just keeping it in there for some form work).
Bent over rows: 315 X 3 sets of 8
Standing blue band crunch: 4 sets of 12
     The rest of the day could not go by fast enough...we were all going to the annual beer festival Saturday night.  It was a fun time sampling many different beers from over 200 breweries from around the world.  It was more crowded than last year and there was a lot of bumping and rubbing up against people.  It is kinda like playing the lotto....some hot chick may bump into you or it may be some big hairy dude (that was me in the crowd) haha, but it is all good because you have good beer to drink.
It was a fun day training and a good night too!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Week 3 of 6 Squat cycle

145 X 3 sets of 10
235 X 2 sets of 8
415 X 8
505 X 6
585 X 5
735 X 4
775 X 3
825 X 2 sets of 3
735 X 5
505 x 10
Standing ab strap crunch: 4 sets of 10-12

Monday, January 23, 2012

Deload Monday

My Shoulders were/are a little cranked up from squatting heavy twice a week so I figured i would lay off the bench for tonight.  Mainly did a lot of stretching and super light stuff.
Pec stretch with band: 4 sets of 30 sec hold each arm
Triceps ext at various positions: 4 sets each arm
External rotator work: 4 sets each arm
overhead DB Press: 1 set of 15 each arm
Lat Pulldowns: 1 set of 15
band Pull aparts: 3 sets of 15
I foam rolled my glutes, quads, IT bands, and erectors when I got home.  Trying to get ready for Squats on Wednesday.  90 % of brief max for triples....Lots to look forward to.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

The last few days

Thursday 1 exercise workout day.
Cambered bar close grip press laying on our squat box:  Bar weight was 165 and added a chain each set for 5 reps up to 5 chains per side, then went with 7 chains per side for 5 sets of 3.

Saturday Squats in briefs:
415 X 8
505 X 6
595 X 5
635 X 4
685 X 3  It got heavy about right here...
735 X 3
775 X 3

Deads Conventional:
315 X 5
405 X 3
495 X 3 Double overhanded these.  Pretty happy with that.
495 X 10 with straps.  This was god awful terrible.  I didn't really have a direction I wanted to go today, so I asked spud what I ought to do.  He said do some bout 500 for 10.  He Sucks
Switched to sumo for some sets as my low back was fried.
405 X 5
455 X 5
505 X 10  Finally recovered from my conv. 500 set, so I figured I might as well do it again.
Standing blue band crunch: 3 sets of 12-15
Standing Long Ab strap oblique crunch: 2 sets heavy.

Good work done today.  I need to start being a little more proactive in my post workout stretching and prehab or this squat routine is going to kick my ass in week 3 and 4.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Week 2 of Squat Cycle

Squats in loose Boss Briefs to a parallel box.
415 X 10
505 X 8
595 X 5
685 X4
735 X 4
775 X 3 sets of 4 (None of these were great/fast or pleasant...)
735 X 5
635 X 8
Standing green band crunch: 3 sets of 15
Standing Long ab strap crunch: 3 sets of 10 heavy

Done, and Done.  It was not a fun night, but I did get a lot of work in.

Monday, January 16, 2012


Bench with chains.  Everything felt heavy tonight.
135 X 3 sets of 10
225 X 2 sets of 5
315 X 2 sets of 2
365 and 1 chain X 2 off 2 foam boards
365 and 2 chains X 2 off 2 foam boards
365 and 3 chains X 1 off 2 foaM boards
365 and 3 chains X 2 off 2 foam boards
slangshot super wide grip bench:
405 X 3
455 X 3
495 X 2 (looking for 3 here, but I sucked)
Floor Press with super close grip just because...
145 and 50 # of chains X 8
195 and same chain X 8
235 and same chain X 6
235 and same chain X 4 (Done the set before, but tried to get another decent set.....didn't work out.
Rotator Cuff work with 8 lb DB: 2 sets of 15 each arm. 

Bring on the Suck Wednesday Squats baby!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Squats and Pulls on Saturday

Free squats with Buffalo Bar in boss briefs:
415 X 10
505 X 6 
595 X 6
635 X 5
685 X 2 sets of 5

Deads with Squat bar Conventional
255 X 2 sets of 5
345 X 2 sets of 3
435 X 2 sets of 3
485 X 3
525 X 3
575 X 1
615 X 1 (heavy, but not terrible)
615 and 1 chain per side X 1 (Heavy and slow)

Sliff Leg Bands Deads with 255 and monster mini's doubled up.  these suck, but I figured I'd get a taste...
1 set of 3 on jump stretch board
1 set of 3 with 1" mat on jump stretch board
Standing Band Crunch with Gray band: 3 sets of 15
Side DB Benbliques: 2 sets of 10 heavy

Done and Smashed

Friday, January 13, 2012

Beat down Wednesday

Wednesday we did our first heavy day of our squat routine after squatting "light" on Saturday.
All sets were done off a box
415 X 10
505 X 6 or 8 ?
595 X 5
685 X 5
735 X 3 sets of 5
685 X 5
595 X 6
505 X 10

Reverse Hypers: 2 sets of 15
All in all it was every bit as bad as we had expected. One week down, five to go!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Squat Routin Begins

Saturday was the beginning of our 6 week twice a week squat routine. We started with the light day... All work was done in briefs
415 X 10
505 X 8
595 X 6
635 X 3 sets of 6

Deads with weight on 2" mats
425 X 3-4 sets of 3
515 X 1.75. I just wanted to see if i could double overhand 500 still. The first felt great, so I figured I'd do a double....until the grip went right before lockout. I will take it anyways.
Standing long ab strap crunch: 5 sets of 10-12
Benblique side crunch: 3 sets of 10 heavy.

Monday Night Bench with reverse bands
235 X 2 sets of 12
325 X 2 sets of 6
415 X 2 sets of 2
505 X 1-2 sets of 2
595 X 1 off of 2 foam boards
I put my loose 58 phenom on for a few sets
595 X 3 off 2 board
685 X 3 off 1 board
735 X 3 off 1 board
Rolling Triceps ext: 3 sets of 8
Incline Bench: 2 sets of 8 with 225
Close grip lat pulldown: 3 sets of 10 light.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


So I am planning on starting a hellatious squat routine Saturday, so I thought nice easy deload would be in order for tonight. Until Spud recommended we do goodmornings...
75 # X 2 sets of 8
165 X 2 sets of 5
255 X 2 sets of 5. At this point i am content to stay here for 1-2 more sets, But spud kept going up.
345 X 3
395 X 3
435 X 3
485 X 3
A little hack squat work, but nothing cool worth writing about.
Hanging high leg raises: 3 sets o 6
Standing gray band crunch: 3 sets of 12.

Done for the night

I have been away....

So it has been forever since I posted. With the end of the year sales being crazy and bombing out at the outlaws meet in Florida I have not had anything special going on training wise for a while. Back at it now. Here is what i have done recently.

Monday Floor Press: worked up to 325 X 3, 375 X 3 and 415 for 2 sets of 3
floor press with 2 foam boards: 415 X 3, 505 X 3, 505 and a 25 # chain per side X 2 (missed 3rd over my face)
Incline DB Press: 80, 90,110,120 all for 1 set of 8 each
Close grip lat pulldown with Spud, Inc. Fat bar handle: 200 X 8, 250 X 8, 300 X 8

I am excited to start our squat program out Saturday. It is a Russian pyramid type routine with much more volume than we are used to. Most everyone is a bit apprehensive about all the intensity and volume, but it ought to be a fun challenge.

-Two squat days a week, what more could you ask for.