Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Saturday deads and the Bodybuilding show

I did speed deads from the floor and went up to 405 for 6 sets of 2. No set felt good as my hips never got warmed up for some reason. I figured it was my last pulling workout so i just kept going with it....oh well. Then it was off to the bodybuilding show. The night show was kinda fun. I got to see a few people I haven't seen in a while and all of them commented on how fat I had gotten (only at a bodybuilding show). I sat with Sue and she gave me the rundown on all the fitness and figure girls that she had already seen once in the morning. Right before the show started I saw the opportunity for food so I went to the concession stand and got two snickers (I ate them while the fitness girls were on) On drug the figure classes and then finally intermission. I went across the street to a market to get Spud some cold water for after the show and picked up a little sushi for myself. I got a lot of strange looks for eating sushi during a bodybuilding show, but in my defense the show took forever! The show was over, and spud got second in the light heavies and looked great. Then it was time for pizza hut, little Debbie cupcakes, diet coke, and donuts for spud.

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