Monday, March 5, 2012

Qual meet and font squats

I went up to GA with one of my training partners Mike to get a qualifying total at the NGBB meet so I could go compete at the Sr. Nationals in June.
Squat: 760 in briefs
bench: 595 in loose phenom
Dead: 606 raw conventional
Barry also came up last minute and had a good meet to qualify.  Jon put on a good meet and it was well run.  Only about 20 or so lifters and with me only talking 1 lift each it was a short day thankfully.

Sunday I had to make up day 1 of our front squat routine I missed Saturday....
275 X 10
315 X 8
375 X 6
385 X 3 sets of 6  These were harder than I remember.  I am pretty crunk up today.

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