Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Squat night rack pulls

Since we squatted Saturday and I will start squatting twice a week this coming Saturday we skipped squats and went with some rack pulls.

We started with the bar about an inch or two below the knee and added mats to stand on every set.
We worked up to 495 for 3's and added mats from there ending with 7 mats.  A decent amount of work without killing us (4 or 5 sets with 495 lbs)
Hack Squats: 1,2,3,4 plates per side all for 1 set of 8
reverse hyper with blue band for added back traction: 2 sets of 15
Lying leg raise with chain on feet: 3 sets of 10 with 35 lbs of chain.

The countdown to Saturday has begun. 

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