Monday, May 3, 2010

Bench Night

Benched with a barweight of 235 and added chains 2 at a time: 6,7,8 chains X 3 off a 1 board, 9 chains X 3 off a 2 board, 10 chains X one miss and an ugly double off a two board. I am guestamating 550 at the top...
Snatch press: 16,20,24,28 kilo all sets X 6 reps
Weird cambered bar modified floor press with stump straps: 185 X 8, 225 X 6, 275 X 5 These are fun, I am glad I tried them.
Side DB Raise: 45 X 4 sets of 10 each side.
Trying to decide what to do Wednesday...good mornings are a possibility. I have been doing hate workouts on Wednesdays and I hate good mornings so that will fall right in line.

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